Booking Your Wedding First Dance Lessons

Are you ready to book? Have you...


Checked out our Packages & Prices and decided how many hours you would like? If not, click the link...



Checked out when you should get in touch prior to your wedding? If not, click the link...



Decided where and when you'd like your dance lessons will take place? If not, click the link...

  Packages & Prices     Timelines     Where & When

If you can say 'YES' to all of the above then you are ready to book.

Click the button below to complete our online booking form...

First Dance UK Couplebook your wedding dance lessons online now!


Call us on
0208 123 2864

We look forward to dancing with you!

First Dance UK



We accept the following credit/debit cards



Couple image on this page © Copyright Zoe Photography 2009